Welcome to My world....

Welcome to my world....
Here you will find many things which made my life interesting.. Here I will be posting the things which made me to pause and think for a moment.. I Hope you will like...

I need your suggestions.. please be posted about what to be done further and what can be made better..

Thank you god...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The 8 Faces of Exceptionally Creative Leaders

The 8 Faces of Exceptionally
Creative Leaders by Robin sharma

If you’ve been
following my
work for a while ,
you know that
my core belief is
that the old
model of
leadership is
dead and now ,
anyone in any
organization on
any part of the planet can show
leadership . I’ve seen taxi drivers who
display rare-air leadership along with
school teachers + breakfast servers +
construction workers. Work is
changing . And we all can provoke
impact and influence if we Lead
Without a Title. But here’ s the point of
this piece : not only do each of us
have the potential to be leaders – we
each have the potential to be creative.
Who sold us on the lie that only artists
and poets and musicians are
Creatives ? When we were kids, we all
expressed our Inner Rembrandt as
effortlessly as we would breathe. We
colored outside of the lines, ideated at
the slightest chances and were
essentially idea factories on two short
legs. But then , as we aged, we stifled
our creativity as
the mortgages ,
deadlines and
the stuff of life
took over our
days. Sad.
You and I do no
favor to the world in withholding our
creativity . So, in my sincere effort to
help you work + play at your best , I
invite you to consider The 8 Faces of
the most creative people I ’ve
observed. These are the qualities that
the brightest of the best have . And
you can develop them too. Here we
go :

The Madonna .
The Face of
Madonna will
serve to remind
you that nearly
every great
Creative was a
perfectionist . Yes , I know
perfectionism may not be the most
healthy attribute in the world. But
facts are facts and when I study the
superstars of creativity, the fact is
almost every one of them stood for
nothing less than ideal work . A while
ago I watched Madonna’s
documentary “I ’m Going to Tell You a
Secret ”, which deeply inspired me . At
every touch point , Madonna sweat the
small stuff and demanded that every
element of every performance was
perfect . Why work on a project if not
to get it as close to perfect as
possible ?

The Picasso. The
face of Picasso
will reinforce the
notion of
devotion . Great
creatives don’ t
do what they do
just for the applause and accolades .
They do it because they love it .
Picasso used to leave beautiful
dinners with his friends to return to
his studio to advance his craft . His art
was his passion. And like every
fantastically creative person , he
worked with utter devotion .

The Thoreau. The face of Henry David
Thoreau will remind you of the need
to create space for your creative talent
to flow. We live in a world where too
many people have too little time away
from the noise of ringing smart
phones, constant email and the
dumbing hum of the television. One
of my all-time favorite books is
“ Walden” by Thoreau . He wrote it over
a period living
by a pond , away
from the world.
Living in quiet
solitude with
nature as his
companion. We
don’t get our
best ideas at
work . We get them on beaches or in
bathtubs . Create spaces for your your
inner artist to present itself .

The Hemingway . The face of Ernest
Hemingway will reinforce the idea that
hugely creative people are extremely
disciplined . It ’s pure myth that the
best artists achieved what they did
without structure and organization .
Hemingway , the famed author , wrote
at the same time every day – whether
he felt inspired or de-inspired . Yes ,
spark a steady flow of great ideas. But
great ideas that are not executed
upon and converted into real results
are a waste of time. The world is
littered with geniuses who did zero
with their big ideas .

The Branson .
Branson’ s face
will remind you
to have fun .
Creativity often
occurs in the
heat of play. Branson ’s a billionaire .
But he really seems to have fun at all
he does . Look – no, hunt – for ways
to make whatever it is you do fun .
That will open up that part of your
brain that drives your best ideas .
The Edison . The face of Edison will
remind you that creative mastery is a
numbers game. Yes , we all know the
cliche that

Thomas Edison
failed 10 ,000
times before he
got the light bulb
right. But the
story’ s worth
Study any genius
– in the arts or in
business , and you’ll discover the same
thing : they succeeded because they
outfailed everyone around them .
Come up with a thousand ideas and
one’ s bound to be brilliant.

The Starck. Philippe Starck is
awesome. And part of his
awesomeness stems from his love of
minimalism . Here ’s where I’m going
with this one: genius resides in
simplicity . The best inventions were
the simplest inventions. Further , de -
clutter your workspace + your home +
your mind . Breathtakingly beautiful
ideas can ’t flow when your energy’s
being taken up by the messes around

The Ford . Ok. Last one. The face of
Henry Ford will remind you to trust
yourself . I’ve made my biggest
mistakes when
I’ve listened to
the chattering
voices around
me vs. trusted
my own
instincts. Self -
belief is a powerful leadership quality .
Nearly everyone laughed at Ford’s
concept for a car . His reply : “If I’d
listened to the people around me , I
would have built a faster horse
carriage .”

Leadership is the only ship which can surely take you to the shore of success -Jagadeesh ;)


From the author of the book "The leader who had no title"
LIFE by Mr.Robin sharma
I want to shift gears from leadership
to a pure focus on crafting an
exceptional life for this blog post .
Ultimately , life goes by in a blink . And
too many people live the same year
80 times . To avoid getting to the end
and feeling flooded regret over a live
half- lived, read (and then apply ) these
tips :
1 . Exercise daily .
2 . Get serious about gratitude.
3 . See your work as a craft .
4 . Expect the best and prepare for the
5 . Keep a journal .
6 . Read “The Autobiography of
Benjamin Franklin”.
7 . Plan a schedule for your week .
8 . Know the 5 highest priorities of
your life .
9 . Say no to distractions.
10 . Drink a lot of water.
11 . Improve your work every single
day .
12 . Get a mentor.
13 . Hire a coach.
14 . Get up at 5 am each day .
15 . Eat less food .
16 . Find more heroes .
17 . Be a hero to someone.
18 . Smile at strangers.
19 . Be the most ethical person you
know .
20 . Don’ t settle for anything less than
excellence .
21 . Savor life ’s simplest pleasures.
22 . Save 10% of your income each
month .
23 . Spend time at art galleries.
24 . Walk in the woods .
25 . Write thank you letters to those
who ’ve helped you.
26 . Forgive those who’ve wronged
27 . Remember that leadership is
about influence and impact , not title
and accolades.
28 . Create unforgettable moments
with those you love .
29 . Have 5 great friends .
30 . Become stunningly polite.
31 . Unplug your TV .
32 . Sell your TV.
33 . Read daily .
34 . Avoid the news.
35 . Be content with what you have .
36 . Pursue your dreams.
37 . Be authentic.
38 . Be passionate .
39 . Say sorry when you know you
should .
40 . Never miss a moment to celebrate
another .
41 . Have a vision for your life .
42 . Know your strengths.
43 . Focus your mind on the good
versus the lack.
44 . Be patient .
45 . Don’ t give up.
46 . Clean up your messes.
47 . Use impeccable words.
48 . Travel more .
49 . Read “ As You Think ”.
50 . Honor your parents.
51 . Tip taxi drivers well .
52 . Be a great teammate.
53 . Give no energy to critics.
54 . Spent time in the mountains .
55 . Know your top 5 values.
56 . Shift from being busy to achieving
results .
57 . Innovate and iterate.
58 . Speak less. Listen more .
59 . Be the best person you know .
60 . Make your life matter.